
Monday, April 1, 2013

Arlee Bird

This is the first post as a part of A-Z challenge.

The letter for the day (April 1) is 'A'.

I wish to dedicate this day not because it is April Fool's day but in a good way to the man who founded the challenge that has taken blogging to new heights!

Through this post I also wish to convey to my fellow bloggers that my theme for the challenge is going to be 'Chennai Memoralia!'

I am going to write about things in Chennai that interests, intrigues and more than all this is close to my heart.

Thank you Arlee Bird for it's your sheer brilliance that is right now making me post this and to the fellow contestants, Happy Blogging! :)

Arlee Bird-http://tossingitout.blogspot.in/p/about-me.html